I’m not proven wrong. There was one items you can bring tot he table. The manner in which you presented your info was in fact much that of a total douche. That’s ok. I can handle folks proving me wrong. You only brought one item to the example table and it was a really great example. Good job. Again you put words in my mouth saying the classified were a drag and not any good. I never said that. Look I’ve got tons of responses regarding the agreement of a soft market. I’m proud for your that your (not actually yours, but one you deem sought after) beloved vssf sold in under an hour. Right buyer, right price, right time. Troll is the farther east thing from myself. You clearly had nothing better to do and decided to in fact stir the pot with your response. No one, not one person had a snide or smartalec comment until you showed up. The Montana guy with Big ideas. Thank you for stepping up to the plate and taking a great big swing to prove you know so much. I’m sure many appreciate your view as do I appreciate you taking a few moments of your life to show us what you know and somehow know my intentions. Bravo sir. I think I’ll just take my things and go home now. You’ve really destroyed my confidence and feelings.......😂😂😂

Nick- Georgia