No butthurt, but when someone keeps tellin you you are ignorant, don’t hunt, don’t use your gear etc, well if that’s not proof, I don’t know what is... as far as punching paper, it means absolutely nothing to me, I’m a hunter, when I’m not hunting I’m researching hunting, doing yard work, fishing, drinking beer, spending time with the commander or now, with my grandson, Target shootin doesn’t interest me in the least, if that’s your thing rock on, buuuuuut, don’t tell me I don’t know wtf is going on when it comes to hunting/killin and what it takes to get it done...

Ping pong balls for the win.
Once you've wrestled everything else in life is easy. Dan Gable
I keep my circle small, I’d rather have 4 quarters than 100 pennies.

Ain’t easy havin pals.