Originally Posted by Tyrone
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by RockyRaab
We could read from the First Book of Ezra - except that it was one that the Synod of Hippo "voted out" of the Bible.
If the Bible is inspired by God, and one of its books got “voted out” by man, does that negate the rest of it...? If the Bible is inspired by God, and one of its books got ”voted out” by man, does that mean that all of the rest of it is no longer inspired by God...?
It was decided by people who had the authority to judge and were deemed worthy of having that authority passed on to them through apostolic succession.
Then they took that Bible out of the hands of the common man and chained it to the alter, and forbid any common man from having a Bible, or even reading a Bible for himself.

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