The ones I know are some of the most genuinely nice, shirt off their back kinda folks I’ve ever met. Never once asked me to join the church. A guy I consider to be among some of my best friends is Mormon and I’m nearly positive if I needed help with anything, at any time, he’d be there.

I’ve seen him pull over to ask strangers if they needed help with a flat, seen him GIVE rifles to people to get them into hunting, seen him share great hunting locations with other folks who were looking for better odds, and routinely share his fish/game with people who had a bad season and ended up with an empty freezer. Hell, I saw him bring another buddy who fell on some hard times into his house and give him room and board for nearly a year while he got back on his feet without ever asking for a nickel in return.

Say what you will about it, but if it produces folks like that, it can’t be all that bad. I’d damn sure rather have people like that around me than some of the folks out there these days.