Originally Posted by gregintenn
Murder among the Mormons
I found this fairly interesting. Worth a look if you have Netflix.

I told my bud about this movie. He’s pretty devout Mormon. Me not so much I’m pretty opened minded. I told him the church changed the narrative on how ol Joe Smith found the gold templates. When ol boy said he found the original writings. Yes it involved a salamander lol. But the church for a short time changed the narrative that a salamander lead ol Joe Smith to them. My bud got pretty upset about it and at me lol.. so yeah this is something die hard Mormons are not watching. It will make them question the church.

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Then STFU. The rest of your statement is superflous bullshit with no real bearing on this discussion other than to massage your own ego.

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me.