Originally Posted by NH K9
Originally Posted by 79S
Oh the stories I could tell, Mormon hiding behind their religion to try and save face for being swindlers.. Have a friend who’s dad a Mormon lost everything because his business partner another Mormon decided not to pay the mortgages on their rental properties. The crook Mormon came out smelling like roses because my buds dad didn’t press charges he said the lord will deal with it. 99% of Mormons do not like confrontation.

I can say the same about ‘Christians’. As a matter of fact, one of the most recent is a ‘higher up’ in a local church who took the congregation for a six-digit figure.
People suck, regardless of religion.

I’m a Mormon I seen a lot of this 1st hand especially some being judgmental. When I go to church I wear a nice dress shirt, Levi’s, and boots had an older fella come up to me say oh is this Sunday casual. They said it because I wasn’t wearing a suit. Pretty much stopped going after that.. besides I have better things to do on Sunday. Fast Sunday’s are the best, that’s when members go before the congregation if they choose so. Let it all hang out, I wouldn’t bear witness to majority of them lol. Most are stay at home moms who have nothing better to do but gossip.

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Then STFU. The rest of your statement is superflous bullshit with no real bearing on this discussion other than to massage your own ego.

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me.