You know why they bury Mormons 12 feet deep instead of 6?

Because down deep we are really good people.

A group of Baptists die one day and go to heaven. When they get there St Peter is giving them a tour and it's lush and beautiful. During the tour one looks over the edge and asks St Peter what's that place down there. He says don't look over the edge at that awful place that's he'll down there.

The Baptist says what do you mean awful place? It looks just as lush and beautiful down there as it does up here. St Peter says what? Then he looks over the edge and says "it looks like those damn Mormons are irrigating again."

Not a Rocky Mountain Jew joke but I like this next one because I've been dealing with another crooked contractor lately.

Someone dies and goes to heaven and is waiting outside the pearly gates to get it. After a few minutes StPeter shows up to let him in. On his way in the guy comments how beautiful the gates are and asks where they came from. St Peter says, "oh, we had had to go down to hell and get a contractor to put them in."
