Originally Posted by DocRocket

Well, we can’t say with 100% certainty what the long term effects of the CoV2 vaccines are gonna be in 2 or 5 or 10 years, cuz we ain’t there yet and prognosticating almost always makes a person look foolish when all the folks with perfect hindsight give bent to their spleen at a comfortable remove.

The other objection I keep hearing is that “these vaccines aren’t FDA approved”. This is true, they aren’t. But FDA approval is not a strong signifier of safety, and absence of FDA approval does not mean a treatment is unsafe. The FDA has approved a goodly number of drugs and treatments that ultimately proved to be disastrous. Thalidomide and diethylstilbestrol are two glaring examples of “FDA approved” drugs that caused horrible birth defects. Similarly, the FDA has still not approved Ivermectin or Fluvoxamine as effective treatments for COVID, despite a large body of evidence showing they are indeed very effective. You need to look at the FDA as basically the medical equivalent to the US Postal Service: they get some basic stuff right, but they’re slow, and they ain’t nowhere near cutting edge.

You summed up my reasons fir not taking the vaccine exactly
Plus I've already had Covid-19
Also I have 2 friends a husband and wife that both took the vaccine and both have Covid-19

I got banned on another web site for a debate that happened on this site. That's a first