Originally Posted by DocRocket
Yeah. Juxtaposing a quote from a year ago with a recent one, neither of which relates to the other, that is high wit indeed.

I’m not surprised in the least you’re amused.


Nothing to do with wit.

You posted a metric crap-ton of bullshit a year ago about the cold virus that turned out ta be completely wrong, and you're postin again now about the fakeccine, tryin ta get people ta believe it's safe.

No one knows for certain what's bullshit at this point, but you're throwin out crap from "science expert panels".

"Science expert panels" "proved" global warming was real, when of course it's all bullshit, so you're not likely ta get any traction with anyone with any sense.

I'm happy to accept your invitation ta join you in pointing out people who've posted bullshit bout bolo-19, but I won't be able to match your production.

Because you won't have any travel time.