Originally Posted by ConradCA
Seeing how over 100 million people have been vaccinated without significant number of serious problems there is no doubt that the vaccine is safe. At least it’s safer than getting COVID.

I disagree you might think it's safe now.But what about 5-10-15 years from now they have no way to know..I don't trust the government or CDC this is being pushed way too much.People need to wake up we are being played.There's something in that shot i want no part of.And all this shaming and guilt crap needs to stop,for all people who refuse to inject that poison in there
bodies.If all these sheep want to listen and do as told that's fine with me but leave the rest of us alone.It pisses me off because I'm not telling you to take the vaccine it's your choice not mine.The government and all these stupid mother fuggers are dividing this country more by the day not uniting it.I see no good coming out of this there's going to be trouble when people get enough.And they need to stop saying "We all in this Together and "We need to come Together as a Country" Because that's not going to happen.