Originally Posted by gunzo
The gov't helping them to be this way. Low IQ's to begin with and when the basics are handed to them free, they'll never learn what it takes to stay out of trouble, work, & fend for themselves.

With food, water & shelter given to them they are the freest people in the country to do & act as they please with no repercussions.

If they were totally cut off from assistance there would be turmoil & folks fear that. But IMO that is the hurdle that needs to be crossed.

I’d wager that’s a good piece of the larger problem. It would seem that some feel more entitlement is needed, and America’s at a point of surrendering whatever isn’t bolted down to those who feel obliged to get themselves some wares for injustices they were told they suffered.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”