Dear Diary Im going to pretend I didn't vote for and support Biden today.
PS I still think George Floyd is a saint and evil white folk killed the gentle giant

Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by TheBigSky
There have been some very good and reasoned posts on this thread in addition to "the usual". I won't join any debate other than to add a several points.

1. As bad and barbaric as slavery was and is, it's not hard to argue that the slavery that occurred in the first half to two thirds of this country's existence is likely the best thing to have happened on behalf of modern descendants of that horrific practice.

2. I posit that the modern welfare system and social policies going back to the advent of the great society have done more damage to blacks and other minorities than slavery ever did. A good argument can be made that said social policies amount to modern slavery while paying lip service to those they preportedly help.

3. Politicians in this country use minorities, especially blacks, as pawns in their game of getting re-elected and lining their pockets and the pockets of their friends and families.

4. Until we reverse the leftist policies regarding education, individual responsibility and the complete abandonment of any and all forms of shame, things will not change and will only get worse.

We have come to a point in this country where any one single person's subjective "feelings" are more important than anything and everything. That needs to change irrespective of that one person's race, religion, creed, gender, heritage or proclivities.

Here endeth the rant.

Good stuff this ^^^.