Originally Posted by Beaver10
to manage their emotions with any self control?

Maybe it’s just ‘clickbait’ on social media platforms that show endless videos of black’s and their ridiculous and violent behavior in public over what most people would consider a-nothing-burger...

Maybe it’s not as wide spread as one is led to believe by the media...Maybe it’s just being highlighted for ‘clicks’. All I know is, Idk 🤷🏽‍♀️

It does appear that since BLM became the battle cry for action against racial inequality, there has been a ‘Liberal shift’ for the public to endure, almost in a complicit like way, and accept this absurd and chronic criminal behavior of black folk acting out in public as a new normal, including violence against others.

I’m just spit-balling here...Aside from the usual suspects - Liberals, politicians, and dumbfûck white people. I’m leaning hard into Corporate America as one of the first dominoes to fall, thus giving a footing to these behaviors we see playing out across the US.

Big American businesses were willing to take the hand of New York, Chicago and DC, Consumer Consultant Firms and allow these young, new generation of thinkers to write strategic action plans for Corporations to avoid being canceled my the social media assassins.

These plans called for companies to not aggressively pursue criminal charges against theft, vandalism, arson, and even assault upon their workers. Policies of ‘stand down and stand by’ were instituted.

Shît...Idk? It’s all confusing to me, when every single black person I talk to seems no different than me, and just as upset by what is going on today. Then I see these idiots wrecking people, places and things and wonder again, WTF?

Is this really going to be our new normal?


They’re not like us, NBN!

Will Munny: It's a hell of a thing, killing a man. Take away all he's got and all he's ever gonna have.

The Schofield Kid: Yeah, well, I guess they had it coming.

Will Munny: We all got it coming, kid.