Originally Posted by Pharmseller
Okay, consensus time:

What is the origin of the problem?

How do we fix it, if possible?



1866 Black folk after slaver times were allowed to own property, but most couldn’t afford it. Bypassing the Civil Rights Movement era and fast forward to the 1980’s and into the 1990’s, black folks who owned property and needed to expand or were trying to secure loans to purchase new land were discriminated against and denied loans at many county level, USDA offices. See Black Farmers lawsuit. Lack of securing loans, many blacks lost their land back to the counties - then the land was sold to white farmers. Brand new loans were rarely given out.

Housing loans were handled much in the same way as land loans. Discrimination, hidden behind obvious tactics of ‘we’re out of loan applications’ or ‘take a seat and we’ll be with you’ turned into, ‘We’re sorry, we don’t do loan appointments after 1PM’. ‘Come back again’. Then another round of excuses were given if they returned to prevent blacks from getting loans.

Government subsidies for food and housing became a primary source of survival for black’s in most inner cities across the US. Increases of subsidies by Democrats created generational dependency upon the ‘system’.

Cultural beliefs within black communities that it’s the ‘white man’s game’ became their reality. Their situation turned into ‘who gives a fûck - I just want to get mine.’ Third generation welfare has become a job they fulfill by providing votes in return for more subsidies.


Increase financial aide into poor communities by building out better housing, improvement in surrounding, community supporting businesses - not more gas & sip, weed/liquor or Dollar General Stores, but rather better grocery stores, hardware stores, and industrial complexes that would hire locally.

Work with community leaders and youth mentors making them aware that within a 3-5 year period of time all .gov subsidies would be reduced. No more extra income for additional children. Workshops for trade schools, educational opportunities, and job training with placement. Develop training classes on work ethics, and begin building a foundation on a moral ethos that has been lost within these poorer communities.

Applying the ‘carrot or the stick’ with 100% buy in from community leaders, by policing their own with strong, firm guidelines that needs to followed. Couple this with police involvement to knock down all criminal resentment towards this radical change.

Provide a ‘carrot’ of a good education/trade skill that offers a good living standard of pay with health benefits.

Those individuals who refuse or try to abuse the system and opportunities being offered will suffer the consequences by losing their subsidies, housing, their children, and find themselves on the street, homeless, in jail or going directly into the military for 4 years as a form of public service.

This program wouldn’t be exclusive to only black folks, but any race of people who are living long term off the tit of .gov.

Would it work? Fûck if I know…But I know it would be cheaper to provide the above with training and jobs rather than continue to subsidize families with working age individuals for another 3 generations.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”