DelFarve: The F.B.I. gave me all that information back when I was "on the job"!
Back then negro's made up 11% of the United States population and yet "those people" committed 52% of all Class One Felonies (murder, rape, armed robbery, burglaries while armed [home invasions], and assaults with intent to commit murder etc).
The F.B.I. used to gather, publish and distribute crime statistics to law enforcement agencies UNTIL it became "politically incorrect" to do so (point fingers at actual criminals and try to catch them!).
I'll never forget one night in our squad car (circa 1985'ish) when my senior partner was perusing these very F.B.I. crime statistics and he looks at me and proclaims (in his practiced eubonics drawl!) "you got's to be a busy bunch'a mutha fuqkers to commit that many crimes"! He followed that up with his oft repeated "we should'a picked our own cotton"!
We laughed but its NOT funny to the victims of murder, assaults, rapes, car jackings, home invasions, drug over-doses, looting etc etc etc!
Again the actions of many of todays blacks sure makes it difficult for hard working, traditional valued, black Americans!
Sad state of affairs here in this once great country - and I think its gonna get worse with china joe and his ho's open borders policy - the hispanic murderous gangs will be taking hold more, here, soon I fear
Hold into the wind