
Gawddamnit man...don't go spooking the [bleep] Feesh Hole,as 'ball is fixin' to unleash all her Imagination and Pretend,so as to "tell" me about Bears. Laffin'!

Either that or it'll be a Cricket Roundup and get quiet fast. Laffin'! Lemme hit the poor poor Stupid Kchunt with a visual pun. Cracks me the [bleep] up,to watch things sail over her pointy head,despite her BEST efforts to feign a [bleep] first clue. Laffin'!

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Whatcha' think,will the Amazingly Stupid Kchunt wax eloquent upon her sheer and utter cluelessness or use enough Imagination,to Pretend it never happened?!? Tough call. Laffin'!

Mebbe I'd best fuel her Imagination further,so she can really get her Pretend on.(grin)

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Too [bleep] funny! My fingers is crossed in eager anticipation,of yet another fascinating Vagina Monologue,of "all" the things a Window Licker almost did,all the wares she almost did it with and from all the places she'd almost been.

EPIC [bleep] humor and only because,she's doing her "best"!