
Mebbe one of these days...it'll happen?!?


Keep tootin' that horn,because it is FUNNY schit!



Hot offa the press...minutes ago.

6.5' squared,he'd dry 19.25".

[Linked Image]

You'll just haveta' pardon my not feeling compelled to apologize,for knowing things that you do not,or ever will...but you've a solid crutch,in that you are an AMAZINGLY Stupid Kchunt. I'm a little bit more than a whole [bleep] of alotta great at alotta things and do enjoy your being perpetually mired in your Stupidity. Congratulations?


When you see your first BIG Bear,do tell me about it,as I'm on pins & needles in eager anticipation.

[bleep] WOW +P+!


My bad,I got sidetracked Castin' & Blastin'...while you was Whining.

I appreciate your keen "insight" on all the things you almost did,that has just gotta be very "fulfilling" for you?!? Laffin'!

You Clueless [bleep] are just chock full of "info".



Your list of WELL founded insecurities is rather impressive. Congratulations?!?

Mebbe lob a pic,with your version of a Bear in it...if only to surpass the HILARITY of your whining Kchunt?!? Laffin'!

Always fascinating to be regaled with all the things you almost did,all the wares you almost did it with and from all places you've almost been. Looking forward to your next Whine and some more Excuses...you "hard charger" you.

I'm thinkin' (3) Midol and (2) quarts of Vagisil,in your usual locations,so you can "live" vicariously a bit more. Ain't it "fortunate" for you,that Imagination and Pretend are free?!?



THAT was close...you [bleep] nearly said sumptin' about a Bear.



As great as I am...I can only be one place at one time...if only to the Window Lickers chagrin.


I ain't much fun to try and keep pace with.

Just sayin'.

I'm on the ropes.
