
It's your Imagination,Pretend with it however you please. Cut to the chase and tell yourself that which you most need to hear,first and be sure to rehash them WELL founded insecurities,yet again. Laffin'!

Lemme fuel your Imagination for you,if only to bolster your Pretend,so you can "contribute" too,by making it "real". Be sure to poke these pics in your 'bucket account too. Laffin'!

[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

Mebbe some more S35V,mainly because few is duller than you. Pun be intended...though you'll miss the point. That'd be a Re-Pun. Laffin'!

[Linked Image]

Be sure to spruce up your Vagina Monologue,slip in a few heartfelt Whines and fling some fresh Excuses,if only to salve the realities of your Couchbound Kchunt. 'Nother pun there. Laffin'!

Looking forward to hearing more about all the things you almost did,all the wares you almost had and all the places you've almost been,as you stomp your itty-bitty feet,hold your breath and obliviously flaunt the incredible hilarity of your Do Nothing Dumbfhukkery. You "hard chargers" are a [bleep] RIOT!

Just might rock some Filson. Google it.

[Linked Image]



You run the risk of horning her up all over again and suffering the fate of her Imagination and Pretend.


(Addendum: for yet another Clueless Window Licking Kchunt)


No schit you stupid [bleep]?!?:


Whats your biggest Sika? B&C?"

Points awarded for being stumped by a Deer.

Just...WOW +P++!