
I see you are VERY serious about this stuff and drive some exceptional Riggin',as mandated by the "rigors" of youir "pursuits". Laffin'!

That paw is HUGE. Laffin'!

I think it woulda added alotta Panache Points to the pale toilet seat cover,if you woulda sprung an extry $3.49 at the Taxidermist's and had it mounted with a Latex Nipple in it's mouth. Laffin'!

NO wonder,you's more than a touch uncomfy with pics! Holy [bleep] Schit,that was some FUNNY stuff! Congratulations?!?

Ever heard of that new thing,they call a "backpack"? Google it.

[bleep] WOW +P+!


I feel a leetle bit bad here,because I go to laughing so [bleep] hard,I tapped "submit" and forgot to fuel Imaginations,so as to bolster more Pretend.

Don't get to see all that many color phased Bears,especially that [bleep] small...you "lucky" bastard. Laffin'!

[Linked Image]

Though I do often catch 'em in The Pond,chasing after Bluegill.

[Linked Image]

"Scratching Posts" is easily Trumped by Denning Trees,so here's a little one. Prolly should upload some video,but it'd be maligned as being "unfair". Laffin'!

[Linked Image]

You gals really "know" your stuff and I appreciate you being oblivious enough,to 'share" same.


(Addendum: for yet another Window Licker)


I'll feign my "surprise" that the length of your incredibly [bleep] pathetic Posts,is getting farrrrrrrrr shorter. I "wonder" why that is?!? PLEASE don't tell me you are running out of the things you almost did,to "share"!?! Laffin'!

Personally,I rather enjoyed your expose on Oblivious [bleep] Stupidity and your Secret Spring Salmon Trump Card,conjoined with your ability to size BIG Bears up. Laffin'!

Now don't let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt,because you are REALLY doing "great" and it'd be a damned shame not to share your uncanny "insight".

LOVE the avatar too...you "hard charger" you.

Bless your heart.
