
Mebbe consider holding your breath,when you stomp your itty-bitty feet like that,while throwing a right proper Hissy Fit for maximum effect. There ain't no slightin' your exceedingly WELL founded insecurities,you poor poor Whining Do Nothing Kchunt. None do a Vagina Monologue,better than you. Congratulations?!? Laffin'!

Lemme fuel your Imagination for you,so as to bolster your Pretend even further and connect a few more dots,for you Drooling Dumbfhukks.

S35V here,if only to grant you more practice,with your GoogleFu. Laffin'! Slowing work up to a Clear Cut and you'll haveta pardon my having cut this strip too. Here's hoping you can muster the Imagination requisite,to conjure up enough Pretend,that you can convince yourself that you could too. Laffin'!

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[Linked Image]

Luckily for you,Imagination and Pretend are you can "do" something too. Laffin'!

Much looking forward to your next heartfelt Whine and even more Excuses,from your "hard charging" Couchbound Kchunt Chronicles.

Bless your heart.


Bag drag this AM,for another 2wks of vacation...if only to cheer you up further.


Film at 11:00...and your avatar is rockin'.
