I don't have goats anymore,just the horse...I do make him fill in for the goats though...LOL

Goats are better for straight hunting though,as long as you don't mind all the walking..While there are plenty of places you can't take your horse,there is not many that the goat can't get into..Not much care either...Load them up and turn them loose..They stay with you all day and fend for themselves..Horses are a lot of maintianence as you well know..

Goats are more of a companion animal,kinda like a dog,but can do a lot of work for you...

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Here is a video of the goats making a stalk on a spring bear with me...They had packed camp in and we were spending the night..


And a video of my horse in packgoat training on a bear hunt...LOL My wife had called worried about the horse....YIKES!!
