With all due respect, ALL politicians are worthless, self-serving rat bastards. But one thing is certain, in my opinion...our LYING president has led our country into a war for oil which profits ultra-wealthy robber barrons and corporate kingpins so they can live lives of opulent luxury, and leave the wealth to their children, tax free, so their lives too can be one of sickening narcissism...all at the expense of the people of our country, and the blood of our soldiers. We have spent nearly a TRILLION dollars on this war that has made our citizens NO SAFER from terrorists; a war that has probably killed over a hundred thousand people. It was misrepresented from the beginning, and has only 'riled up' the radical muslims even more. Life in Iraq is worse now, not better, than before. We survived a sneak attack, mobilized for war, and WON the war against our enemies in World War II in less time than we have been in Iraq.
This 'conservative' president took a fiscal surplus, that was left to him by a 'liberal' president, and has spent more money than any administration in history. He has widened the gap between the 'haves' and 'have nots' more than at any time in our history, except during the 'Great Depression'. He has rewarded those that contributed so much to his campain coffers (Big Oil), and we have seen oil go from $12 dollars a barrel...to over $130 dollars a barrel during his terms. Our economy is so far in the tank because of him, and his administration, that people are now having to decide between heating/cooling their homes and buying gasoline so they can drive to work...or, instead, buying food and medicine for their families. Before this president Bush, much of the world admired America and aspired to much of what it represented...now, after 5 years of death, destruction, and occupation in Iraq, and his disasterous fiscal and foreign policies in general...he will go down as one of the worst presidents, if not 'the worst', in our history. The legacy of the current Bush is no different than the legacy of organized crime. A country that was run by, and ruined by, corporations, special interests, and money...that's his legacy.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.