Bush's Legacy???

A recession. A deficit. A weak dollar. No to Kyoto. No to green initiatives and alternative fuels. Yes to Big Oil. Yes to SUVs. Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Foreign quagmires premised on bad intelligence(at best!)or outright lies. Many children left behind (ask a typical kid to read, write, or do math!). The continuation of the abortion known as the War on Drugs. Overflowing jails and prisons. Outsourcing high paying (i.e. vital) tech jobs abroad 'cause their aren't enough smart Americans to fill the need. Shameless war profiteering (Halliburton, etc.) Usurption and erosion of fundamental American principles (e.g. Patriot Act). Didn't think this was possible but King George managed to somehow erode even more of our precious little American goodwill and influence abroad. Thousands of dead and maimed American service people and their families. Lots of vacations to his ranch in Crawford, TX.

These are just some of things that come to mind when contemplating Dubya's watch.

oh yeah - one more thing - that one banner Bush had placed behind him after spending tax payer money to land on aircraft carrier... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED...

"Pick up a rifle and you change instantly from a subject to a citizen." - Jeff Cooper