Originally Posted by wuzzagrunt
Originally Posted by antlers

That's easy...he LIED when he led our country into believing there were "WMD's" in Iraq, and they were "an imminent threat to us"

Well, it is an undisputed fact that therewere WMDs in Iraq. That there were none found after the US invasion does not alter that fact. And Bush didn't say Iraq was an imminent threat, and your putting the words within quotation marks doesn't alter that fact either. Cheney has been quoted as saying that but the full quote shows that he immediately corrected himself. Like Casey Stengel said: "You could look it up".

"Were" WMD's...like in 'after' the first Gulf War, is not the same as there "are" WMD's...like the lead-up to this Iraq War. If you go to war, based on a 'fact', and that 'fact' turns out to be a LIE...what do you do? I guess, if you're Bush, you stay there anyway and fight, and kill over 4000 of your own countrymen, and spend nearly a TRILLION dollars that your country doesn't have, and wreck the economy of your country.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.