Originally Posted by Penguin
If you don't have a large and energetic steel industry you aren't a global power. It is just that simple.

We allowed ourselves to be talked into the notion that we are all one big happy family. It doesn't matter where stuff is made. It doesn't matter where the jobs are performed. Americans can sit back and manage these industries, trade our houses to each other for higher and higher prices, and we'll all retire as millionaires.

An absurd notion that was just dumb enough to appeal to GW Bush. And Alan Greenspan I might add.

It does matter who manufactures goods. You see, real wealth is created by those who save and produce not by those who borrow and consume. This ideal was the backbone of the American system of economics for decades. And it worked. And it created a middle class of those who produced the goods that powered America.

Right up until supply side silliness took over as the in vogue theory.


The American steel industry was created by robber barons and monopolists in the 19th century, and flourished inthe 20th because we were the arsenal of democracy in two world wars, and finished the second as the only steel producer in the free world not bombed to smithereens.

you sound like it was built by widows saving their pennies.

and Bush didn't pass NAFTA, or invent free trade as a basic tenet of Republican foreign policy.

Proudly representing oil companies, defense contractors, and firearms manufacturers since 1980. Because merchants of death need lawyers, too.