With all due respect, I'm not gonna like get over it.

I love the outdoors too much for that. I believe in a Creator who meant for us to do right by His Creation. I was a friggin' Boyscout.

You can chirp all you want about the 95-0 vote, but I invite you to just go ahead and google the words "Bush record environment" and honestly look at what hundreds of thousands of sincere intelligent people have to say about Bush and OUR environment - yours and mine - your family's and mine.

How does the water taste in your city? How is the air in your city? Were there noticeably fewer dove when you went hunting last September relative to the years before that? Do you think my fave Republican of all time, Teddy Roosevelt, would be cool with W's record on the environment? Do you think that some concepts are more important than profits?

Just two weeks ago Sentator McCain was in Oregon talkin' smack about W's handling of Carbon emissions. I'm not pullin' this stuff outta my arse! YOUR friggin' candidate for W's third term is articulating the same sentiment as countless other environmental organizations.

And by the way, I am an avid history buff. I don't know anyone who laughs about the Salem Witch Trials, let alone, the prospect of environmental catastrophe.

Last edited by Ivan; 06/02/08.

"Pick up a rifle and you change instantly from a subject to a citizen." - Jeff Cooper