Originally Posted by Steve_NO
Penguin, the government didn't send anything overseas. Private businesses made choices based on, uh, profit. You got a problem with that?

If a thing can only be made in the US at a profit with a government subsidy, why should the American public subsidize it by paying higher prices to subsidize an unprofitable industry just because it has acquired friends in government who get a tariff passed?

The so called capitalist companies that are making a killing by importing their goods into our country are STATE SPONSORED ENTITIES! How in the world can we justify putting Americans out of work by engaging in duty free trade WITH COMMUNIST OWNED AND OPERATED businesses?

We are helping to arm and outfit a country that is ideologically opposed to the very foundation of our country. How in the world is that justified in the name of knocking a few bucks off the price of a plasma TV or a pair of Reeboks?

If they want to move over to communist countries and throw in with the enemy then be my guest. But don't let them send the jobs and economic profit into the bank accounts of communist dictatorships and Islamic Republics and then give them duty free entry into the marketplace.

That is one world globalization theory in action, not sound economics.


Smellin' a lot of 'if' coming off this plan.