Originally Posted by Qtip
You are obviously full of chit. If this were a war for oil then why is gas so high? How do you protect a nation, enforce the treaty that Hussein agreed to(even though most other countries don't have the balls), and deal with national natural diaster without spending money egghead. What will the Dems. give us/ International disgrace by withdrawal from Iraq leading to a Taliban-like slaughter of hundred of thousands of innocents, a UHC system that will just about kill our economy, and a move toward "green" energy which although sounds great won't do chit in the long run for the USA when compared to other sources. They have great soudbiytes and slogans, but they are all based on the hot air theory. Your "one" post so far leads me to believe that we just might have another troll amongst us, and I hope I am wrong.

Soli Deo Gloria!

It's not rocket science...oil didn't start to climb until AFTER the invasion and occupation of Iraq, a soverign nation. Bush hasn't protected the nation...we're no safer now, and we've been invaded by millions and millions of illegal immigrants yearly since his first term began. So much for protecting our borders. He also didn't 'deal' with a natural disaster...he failed miserably. Saddam was 'bad'...lots of dictators the world over are 'bad'...are we to invade all of them too, and overthrow their dictators, and install our own puppet government, as we have in Iraq, while killing thousands of our own young people, and spending hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars, as we have so far in Iraq? Or, are we only going to overthrow 'bad' dictators whose countries just happen to have oil underneath them? Blind faith in bad leadership is not patriotism. If you felt secure in what 'you' know to be true, then you wouldn't resort to the school-yard mentality of calling other members here derogatory names.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.