Congratulations, "antlers" you are now the undisputed winner of the most factless, erroneous and moronic posts on this forum. That's quite an accomplishment.

BTW, you'll find that if you swim at the deeper end of the gene pool, there's more oxygen there. But ok, I'll bite, the intelligence Bush saw was the same and independently delivered to members of Congress. It was the same intelligence that the previous administration received, as well as independent estimates from several other intelligence sources, like the british, French, Israeli and even Russian. They all said the same thing prior to Bush ever taking the oath of office.

Say, did you read what Steve No wrote about Kyoto and when it was rejected (95-0) by the Senate? jorge

A good principle to guide me through life: “This is all I have come to expect, standard lackluster performance. Trust nothing, believe no one and realize it will only get worse…”