Originally Posted by isaac
Nemesis...I don't mind at all. It's what happens here and it's SOP.

I'm learning from the exchange anyways. You just gotta stay your course, regardless.

The Campfire is famous for some bizarre hijacking and this ain't nothing.

Besides, as I said earlier, I'm learning and that's never a bad thing.Unfortunately, I'm learning that my bud, WILL, is bucking to get into the "Band"

No, I just fail to see how allowing Europe to impose an average of 15% tax to American products we ship to their shores while rebating an average 15% to their exports to us is 'free trade'. This is what all of that free trade garbage was supposed to eliminate.

These are tariffs and subsidies. Period.

And our economic and political elite have acted like America hemorrhaging jobs and tax base is just the natural consequence of 'competition'. No it is a natural product of allowing other countries to protect and nurture their industries while we have set the wolves loose on ours. It is a national disgrace.

And yes, I blame GW Bush for being an ignorant ideologue who watched it all unfold for going on 8 years without lifting a finger to stop it.

And for the record I blamed Bill Clinton for doing the same thing.


Smellin' a lot of 'if' coming off this plan.