IF you READ What I said..............I had trouble and could not get the problem fixed. I did not say the 270 was a pos. I tried differet bullets and the stuff we all do to fix a problem. "I" personally could NOT find the answer I was looking for and I switched guns. NO WHERE did I asked to be reamed . NOW go back and look.... people are siding with BOB and they admit they never even read the post !! ???? The 270 killed every animal I pulled the trigger on. I ate every animal I killed with it. At the time the 270 thing was going on, I was trapping for a living. If I didn't kill it, we went hungry. I don't know about you guys but a hungry wife and 2 kids is unacceptable. You guys are quick to back ol' Bob up on this deal but none of you have come up with an answer to why I was having problems ?? It was a nice gun... light to carry, pointed good... I just could not get it to do what I wanted. Why is this Swed killing everything in sight ?? I don't really know and I don't care. It is and I am going to keep eating deer that I don't have to trail down. As far as having crabs, my son lives in Alaska. I love mine steamed and dunked in butter. If you ever get to Anchorage, you have to go to Guenny's restaruant. MOSTEST GOODEST FOOD AT A FAIR PRICE !! But you better get a reservation. As far as needing a 270 and an 06 ... Why both ?? According to you guys it is the same gun ??? The answer to that one is.... because he wants them.