I live in S.E. Iowa. The largest part of the 200 fell to shotgun slugs. Till a few years ago we couldn't use rifles here. Now we have a short season in January we can shoot does with rifles. My son got me into bows about 10 years ago and I kind of got away from the guns and am just now getting back into them . The rifle kills were hunting in other states hunting with family and friends... Mo, Wy, Id,SD and the like. Had alot of fun over the years. Now it is about impossible to find a place to hunt unless you own or rent the ground. I have Lee and Tiffany Lacoski right across the road on 1800 acres. Talk about a bad dream. The first deer I killed with the bow, I can almost see the tree I was sitting in from my front deck. Now it is off limits. That buck is on my wall and measured 170 3/8 gross. Main frame 10 with some trash making him a 14 point. Now I am surrounded by outfitters with food plots and big wallets. As soon as the crops come off our ground the deer move and we rarly see much after that.