I'll feign my GREAT "surprise",that The Do NOTHING Gang didn't turn a fhuqking lick today either. Congratulations?!?

At least Imagination and Pretend are free,so they can "afford" to "contribute". LAUGHING!

Was awaitin' Mail for a spell and got the hook up today. It ain't no fun,gunning glass that cain't begin to hang and extrapolations are never not intellesting. You STUPID Fhuqks will have to fire up Google all over again,but go ahead and nod heads now. Laughing!

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The hook up.

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Show time and it's always nice to eek a zero on the 2nd poke,upon wares that cain't be boresighted. Google it. Laughing!

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The parcel coughed up 22.5 Mils remaining on the erector,after the 30yd zero. The windshield gets it to the 100yd line. Intellesting to note that 30yd full value 10MPH influx,is a 1.5 Mil windage correction. A 147 ELD fueled Kreedmire,burns a like subtension...in like conditions at the 880yd line. Hit Google and nod in unison. Laughing!

Perspective never ain't not intellesting. Shot (2) last groups with the Reupold,prior to it getting pitched and it were/is funnier than fhuqk. You DUMB Fhuqks might even be able to distinguis the rEupold efforts,from that of the 6X MQ. Google it and nod heads. Laughing!

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The 5.53mm 'Exact skirts are doin' nice thangs,which is no "surprise". Extrapolated some other Fodder and it came full circle to my hitting it on the head,at the time of order. Kicking around tossing a V-Mach tune kit in it,if only for giggles. The Krytox GPL205 arrived,but ES and SD are so trite,that I'll hold pat and let the Moly do it's thang. Was also intellesting to note,that there is no rhyme/reason to RWS Drooper mount fastener's orientation,in relation to the inclination. Some are canted with port side fasteners and others to starboard,even in like ring sizes. Yep...Google and nod. Laughing!

Now you "hard charging" band of Couchbound Kchunts don't "forget" about your Imaginary Pretend Ignore again and bask in the Sweet Satisfactions...that everyone "knows" a Cutter. Was on the edge of my seat there,as the Lollypop Gang went window shopping. Gonna be a BIG day,whn they can afford their first camera. Until then,they can always fixate on the pending "excitement" renting someone else's fence to hop and the joys of having hands held. LAUGHING!

Bless your hearts.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."