
The Marine Corps needs to go to a full on civilian Phase team. Let the Marines take care of the daily maintenance and light scheduled maintenance. They will get so much more life out of the Kilo that way. Plus will give the Marines a much needed break from the long hours and 6 day work weeks. Which will also give more time for PT, Rifle range, and other training. Most from the ground side don't understand the work load put on the Air Wing. My first SGTMAJ was from the ground side, SgtMaj Helmkamp he wanted to be a hard azz, was going to change the way we did things. That didn't last too long. As soon as we lost our 95% mission readiness the CO was in his azz! He mellowed out a little and was actually a pretty dam good SgtMaj after that.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.