Originally Posted by SteveC99

I think the most significant post of the big thread was dirt farmer's post of Leupold nearly turning down multi million dollar military contract because of fear their scopes could be used to kill people. That is not the first place I have seen that, and because it is on the internet does not make it true, but that better be addressed, because if true Leupold is a dead man walking.

So two questions I'd like to ask are:

Is there any truth to the military contract discussion?

Thanks to Doug for having the desire and ability to tackle this issue.


I researched and reported that as I found it. From what I learned, the family holds a major chunk of Leopold stock, enough to be a force on the board..

Fred Leopold and his BIL, founded the precursor to Leupold Optics in 1907. I would think family are now in their 4th, maybe 5th generations. Privileged, West Coast Millennials are probably snowflakes, based on this research and assuming it's true.. Just guessing, but you wouldn't want to bet against it.

Asking an employee who is brave enough to step into the lion's den here on the Fire, such a question may not be a good move.

If the family has that much stroke, you think a PR employee, sent here to put out fires, is gonna give us a heart felt, unvarnished answer to that question. I doubt it. I wouldn't if in his shoes, doubt you would either.

IMO, we need to keep our questions focused on tracking and holding zero. If we can get something done, at lesat an acknowledgement of problems, we've had a successful encounter. If Fire members go native on this guy, it's gonna cancel Doug's efforts and tarnish his good will with them, which benefits no one. And, the more hostile the Fire becomes, the easier it's going to be for Leupold to deflect and not own up to these issues. Instead of them being at fault, we're gong to be the "heavies". Those left leaning millennials on the board will just have their stereotyped thinking about us confirmed with nothing accomplished.

IMO. Give this some thought and respond.