The Pettting Zoo is a 60,000 acre low fenced ranch that is leased for grazing cattle. And we are covered up in swine! My buds and I have taken off over 150 hogs in the last 15 months between shooting, snaring and trapping. Consequently we put up pens around the feeders. I hunted this guy Nov. 2, 3 & 4, and then again the eve of the 12th, then morning and eve the 13th and 14th. Figure I've got about 25 hours in so far with nary hide nor hair seen. I've passed on doe and Aoudad waiting. So far he's beat me. Ours is a "working-mans" lease, and for us this is a pretty good deer.

Day before season opener on 11/2 ......

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and 2 days before I got back on the 12th

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I'd still be hunting him but had to come home due to a family situation!



A Kill Artist. When I draw, I draw blood.