Originally Posted by JGRaider
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Doubt you guys had it back in January. It's fairly well contagious - the stats would've gone ballistic much earlier.

"Acute Bronchitis" was wide spread and rampant across lots of TX, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and New Mexico back then. Doubt you'd know that being halfway around the world from here.

The point being if that was Covid 19, the area around each reported incident would have blown up like Seattle and NYC.

If you had it, you had to catch it from someone. That person would have given it to others. Unless every person here was a hermit for the two weeks prior to getting sick and during the two or four weeks they were sick, they each would have transmitted the pathogen to others. Your wives and kids and buddies would have had it. Even if they never had symptoms, they would have been spreading it in the community.

This thing is that contagious.

I have a buddy home right now. Ten days with fever over 101. Joints so painful he can hardly move. So weak, he can hardly get to the pisser. Lungs so congested, he can get very little air.

Bit it AIN'T the Corona.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.