Originally Posted by jaguartx

Doc, do you think JG is right about the possibility that a lot of people have already had it?

I think it is possible, but unlikely, that it happened several months ago. I do believe that NOW a lot of people have been exposed, are asymptomatic and or have mild illness, and never get tested.
We usually do tests for viruses mainly to make sure if it is or not flu, which can be treated, or to rule out a bacterial infection. ie, if a virus is found, we can stop antibiotics. Granted, the neonatal ICU is not the same as the streets, but we do serve at high-risk population of illness severity, though low-risk for contagion.
I will always think horses when hearing hoofsteps and there are over 20 types or subtypes of viruses that cause upper airway pathology, usually it is in fall-winter, vs the new CV19 zebra