Originally Posted by RickyD
That's pretty much been known all along: those with respiratory issues and those above 80 have the most to worry about.

But there is also a plethora of other things we don't know, like if a person tests positive and they get "well", will they stay well? Will their body be impacted in other ways like lung issues or other organs, does it come back easily or is it a one and done type of thing. And on and on. It appears it doesn't affect kids if healthy, but not enough is known to say that for sure.

No reason to panic, but lots that needs known than is not. We probably should gain a better understanding, rather than blow it off.

Personally, I think Slate is mostly right.

Didn't waste the time to read this entire thread which has devolved to mostly name calling. But did want to comment on RickyD's statement.

Back in the late 60's to 80's there was a sharp spike in the number of people (50-80 year olds) that were diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Some pointed to a statistical correlation with that generation's exposure to the 1918-19 Spanish Flu epidemic. The long term effects of this or any other virus (H1N1, Zika, etc.) will only be determined over time.


A person who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes the person who never asks is a fool forever.

The worst slaves are those that put the chains on themselves.