Originally Posted by Starman

Your drama queen statement was irrelevant in
terms of what really is relevant =Medical
fraternity standards and opinions concerning C19.

Several of your posts have been centred around the
mere potential effects of C19 toward the chronic health dramas in your life and your family tree. which
ain't the concern for the vast majority.

IF you are so worried, just isolate yourself
cause Nobody is going to put a gun to your head
to force you to go to work.

Again your lack of understanding and reasoning ability is on vivid display.

I use myself as an example of 10s of millions just like me in this nation. My concern is as much for their welfare as my own.

But one could hardly expect a self claimed liberal to understand concern for any but self.

As far as putting a gun to my head: when I make commitments, I honor those commitments. Again, something one could never expect a liberal to understand.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.