Weight training! Muscle burns calories. You'll need energy to do the workouts - nothing wrong with complex carbs and you can't do without. A few years back I saw a dietician (and exercise physiologist for other issues) and got advice for weight gain (muscle). I wasn't eating all that well - high calorie bad food but I still needed a high calorie intake of the right food (complex carbs, good fats). Even with the large number of calories, the first thing that happened was my weight actually went down as the fat burned off - and that was from doing weights. After a year or so I gained muscle and some fat (you have to overdo the calories to know that you are at least getting enough) so did a course of HIITS - you drop the calorie intake and do high intensity workouts mainly with light weights and has an aerobic factor to it. It shifts the fat really quick and you don't loose the muscle. It's a torturous workout though.

Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raspy
Whatever you said...everyone knows you are a lying jerk.

That's a bold assertion. Point out where you think I lied.
