Originally Posted by Beaver10
SandyBitch, I thought you knew that Flave and Bob are hooked up like 2 dog fûcking and can’t be separated.

So, how was that gay Rave party you went to last night ? You just made it home in time to wipe your makeup off and douche that crater between your legs before you head in to work.

Have a good day !



Don’t forget to take your Morning After Pill

Hiya Beav'. Prease to forgivee. Your boyfriend/squeeze Kingston told me you're solid and legit, so I guess I took that as license to poach your layups for last night's STX bash fest. That, or I was half shytfaced and didn't care. Being that it's 8:30 am and I've yet to crash for the night I'm kind of leaning toward the inebriation excuse. Solly. No disrespectee meant. wink