Originally Posted by Steve

I live on a country road that is on a hill that has a state park look out at the top. It is on the edge of wine country outside the Portland metro area. We get LOTS of bicyclists. LOTS. LOOOOOOOTS.

So I understand the logic that cyclists try use to justify the whole abreast issue. Frankly, it's just sophistry.

Most of them that I encounter are courteous and are single file. I try to be courteous as well.

However there is a significant minority of them that are arrogant pricks. You know that as well. I've been flipped off more than once because I come upon them a 55+ while they are climbing the hill at 5mph scattered all over the lane, chumming it up with their fellow bikers, and passed them in the on-coming lane. I'd love to confront them, but usually I'm carrying and I don't want to get into a situation. Or they are zooming down the road at 40+ in blind curves and almost hit me pulling out of my drive. And be sure that I'm REAL cautious pulling out of the drive.

Cyclists NEED to understand physics. The also they need to call out their own when they are doing stupid and arrogant stuff. Not just blame the automobile driver.

And the laws need to be changed to reflect physics.

Cyclists should also have to pay a road-mile tax to support the roads. Their logic that, "We already pay taxes" is stupid and is reflected in the abreast in the lane logic as well. Sorry, got me riled.

BTW why is it that a slow moving farm vehicle is required to display on of the triangle devices while road driving, but not bikes?

Another reason that cyclists ride two abreast is to make themselves more visible. Given that nearly every motorist that mows down a cyclist from behind says "I didn't see them," riding side by side gives the idiot motorist a more to see. That and the fact that on narrow roads vehicles passing cyclists on narrow roads will spend less time in the oncoming lane if cyclists are riding abreast is NOT sophistry. It's a simple reality.

Why would you come up on them at 55MPH? How do you know they flipped you off?