Originally Posted by LeakyWaders
I've ridden a bike for three years overseas to commute back and forth from work. A year in the middle east and two years in europe. I rode on the side of the road and got out of way of traffic (but to be honest, I left so early and late, there wasn't much traffic). I don't own spandex...and never had a problem.

Biker nerd gets on the forums and acts all superior to everyone else because their recreation is spent tying up traffic 'because they can.' They aren't usually going anywhere to do anything....just putting on their 'bike pride' spandex to clog the roads while everyone else it trying to get to Walmart and buy tobacco and gas before POTUS policies raise the prices again before Monday.

The walmartians driving in the cars wonder why don't you bike geeks just go to low travelled roads, or better yet some kind of cycling drome where you can hamster it up there and impress each other with your pride spandex?

The biker nerds respond with weird boolean logic and wonder why they aren't patted on the back and praised.

The average 24 hour camper are like GFY biker...

So, did I get this thread right?

Your IQ is right there with most of the other respondents.