Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by steve4102
Do these cyclists that occupy tax payer funded road ways, pay vehicle taxes and use taxes, or are they getting a free ride, no pun intended.

They pay tax when they buy their bikes. The tax on gasoline falls way short of being able to fully fund state and federal roadways. General fund moneys that ALL taxpayers kick into are used to build and fund federal and state roadways. Property taxes and ad valorem taxes are the primary source of funding for county and local roads. Moreover, most cyclists do have motor vehicles and pay gas tax when they put fuel in those motor vehicles.

Interestingly Steve, I have never paid a penny for your local streets, so if I were to drive on them, your local bicyclists would have more of a "right" to them than I would.

So that’s a “no”.

They use public roadways payed for with Federal excise tax dollars, vehicle licenses and registration fees and fuel tax.

The taxes that they pay that go into the general fund, pay for the construction and maintenance of federal and state roadways. How is that difficult to comprehend? The money they pay in property taxes and sales taxes funds county an municipality roadways. How in the piss that equals "they don't pay taxes" is a mystery.