Well Paul now we know how you ride. Short story here bear with me. A few years ago while driving up the Umpqua River, from Roseburg to Diamond Lake! I came around an s curve , in time to see two bikes head on a Sprinter van. The bikers were racing down the mountain . Both air lifted. I never found out if they survived. The road has little to no shoulder in that section. Personally I believe, they shouldn't have been on that section of road. I'm not opposed to bike riding. Bike riders cause most of their own problems, with traffic. And requardless of your thought on how they pay for the privilege, of riding the hwy, they are subsidised by the general fund in my state. All these bike trails were not paid for by the bikers! Taxes on all the bikes in my state wouldn't pay for ten miles of bike paths along roads, let alone the paint to mark them! Riding to keep in shape, is great. Just be safe, and please don't wear the spandex crap, unless you have a twat!