Originally Posted by PaulBarnard

"However, funding those repairs and improvements comes from more than just collecting gas taxes paid by those driving a vehicle. These days, general taxes paid by all taxpayers such as income and sales taxes are just as instrumental as gas taxes to fund local roads and state highway infrastructures."

or "nuh uh"

Which should I choose?

General taxes paid such as income and sales taxes don’t really fund bike paths. If you think they do to any real consequence, I have some beach front property out here in AZ I would like to sell you. I will put it on the internet because then it would be believable to you.

But you believe what you wanna believe because I am not gonna convince you otherwise.

You can lead a horse to water, but if he ain’t gonna drink, he ain’t gonna drink.

Last edited by flagstaff; 05/22/22.

"Successful is leaving something in better shape than you inherited it in. Keep that in mind, son." Dad