
You are Pretending aloud,about things you've never seen,let alone "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

It is a common Window Licking Theme,to try and throw the powder encroachment and velocity flags,which are the antithesis of Reality and fhuqking HILARIOUS to boot. My Bart' 7" RPM 6x45(pictured) is Supersonic to the 1375yd line,in this morning's atmosphere,with 112's. Not because of a "flashy" start,but due the simplistic fact,that BC is what ALL Projectiles use for Air Brakes. It's slickery .620 G1 aeroform,slips atmospherics in magnificent fashion and greedily clings to initial velocity. Pardon exceptional terminal effects,in conjuction with same. You'd do well to Google a FIRST Fhuqking Clue,take notes and apply same. Hint.

Bless your poor poor(literally) heart,you Magnificent Piece Of CLUELESS Lying Brokedick Schit.

Stuck being you,with your "means","abilities" and "comprehension",you haven't the tools requisite,to begin to fhuqking fathom the magnitude. Fortunately for you,Imagination and Pretend are free,so even YOU can "afford" to "contribute",though only with a CLUELESS Whine. Hint.

Fhuqking LAUGHING!.....................


88's are VERY happy in ASC's steel 5's(which I default to) and MDT poly 10's(Herd Clips). I shoot 88's in ADL and BDL configurations too,as Vanilla 223's go. I also of course follow suit,in both 223AI and 6x45. Hint.

Hawk' 7" SALAMI 233 here and 88's expressly. I've a "few" more. Hint.(grin)

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It's never been difficult to cypher who shoots and who don't and I rather enjoy The Minimum Wage Gang Pretending aloud,even if it's the ONLY "move" they've "got". Shefire is Pretending aloud,that she's going to point her 6x45 at a Deer. The last time she tried that,she ran home to call the bullet Manufacturer,while her crippled steaks set festering over night. Ask her to dangle a picture of a Dead Critter,it will be FUNNIER than fhuqk! Hint.

The Minimum Wage Gang is on a tear! HINT.

Fhuqking Laughing!.................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."