
Gals who "know" and "do" as "much" as you,simply can't begin to fathom the magnitude,because you simply suffer the barometer of being "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

I'm simply afforded the luxuries of procurement as I please,a keen interest in dabbling such wares and "only" have 29 weeks of vacation a year to do so. It is rather impressive,just how very WELL founded your amazingly long list of Insecurities are. When you "unleash" the "fury" of ALL you "know" and "do",Spike's set crippled over night,while you plead for help on the phone. Such things come as a "Surprise!" only to you. Hint.

[Linked Image from]

Keep filling out your Hurt Feeler Reports and obliviously quantifying,that which is simply "Incredible!","Amazing!" and "Unbelievable!" to you,is simply called "Friday morning" here. Pardon the bounties of generous Tags,lengthy Seasons,Skookum Riggin' and more Gumption than you could begin to comprehend,being such a GREAT dichotomy to your fhuqking HILARIOUS "life". Read that again. Now one more time. Hint.

Fresh pot of coffee is brewing and today seems like a good one,to unlimber the latest Montucky and get it right. Away goes the HILARIOUS Reupold MK4 M1(you've never even seen one,let alone "have" one) and aboard hops the reupold BC's and a Gen2 FFP Mil/Mil '12x Lit Bitch. The week old 6ARC needs to bark and get scoped up. Will gun it OEM issued,as an initial curiosity,then FL seal the Living Wood handle's channel. Need to pull a stripped lower out of a drawer and build a dedicated 22WMR(side charging 20" S/S). Be curious to see if either of th 22WMR uppers,will shoot with either of my Garrow Hummers. Nice that both sip from Black Dog's. Google as you MUST,then nod your pointy head,holding them crossed-eyes,above your pencil neck,like you "understand". Hint.

Then it's Hasty DOPE,gun some come-up's and extrapolate. My Gunsmith informed me that I've an 8" RPM .284 spout laying in wait,that I'd forgotten about. That's reason enough to whistle through the newest S/S 270's ELDX's and rebarrel 280 SALAMI,for .796 BC 180 Smooches at 3.585" COAL. All while flogging on the GPOTAC45. Which reminds me,I need to get my Reupold MK4 FFP Spotter headed down the hill,for it's third repair. Really should put some break in hours on my newest outboard(main) and get it serviced. Then of course it's Casting & Blasting. Hint.

Keep extolling the "virtues" of being a Delusional Drooling Incompetent Brokedick CLUELESS Crying Kchunt and wondering aloud,why a Geriatric Minimum Wage Bed Pan Polisher,is FORCED to Fabricate and how a Crippled Spike is the BEST you've ever done or ever will. You are FORCED to "live" vicariously,by the HILARITY of simply being you. Hint.

Don't forget to hide your Boy Scouts from Shefire! Hint.

Spikes are hard to kill,Bullet Manufacturers are to "blame" for Schit Riggin',Retardation and Poor Shooting. Hint.

Poor poor(literally) Shefire and her HILARIOUS versions of "knowledge","experience" and "results". Imaginary Pretend Ignore is her ONLY Brokedick "move".


Film at 11:00.

Fhuqking LAUGHING!..................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."