As a military service sidearm, the 1911 just doesn't make sense in light of modern designs like the Sig P320, H&K VP9, and FN's FNS series pistols.

Civilian needs are just different from that of a major military or major LE agency. The reliability standards are just as important, but the total round count between failures can be much lower for a civilian than for military or LE, for exactly the reasons that Montana Man so eloquently stated.

I will be the first to say there are pistols that are probably more reliable than my chosen carry gun (I don't know for a fact because I've yet to have any kind of malfunction of any kind in my carry piece. But I don't shoot thousands of rounds a month anymore either...but when I did, it was through a 1911).

My LW Commander is thinner than most pistols out there regardless of caliber. It tucks away in my IWB holster and conceals easily with a T-shirt. The ergonomics are excellent fitting my hand like an extension of my arm. I can hit a man sized target on the first shot out to 100 yards, 100% of the time (can't say that about many "modern" pistols). It has adequate magazine capacity for my own personal threat assessment. But mostly I like it, I like to carry it, and I'm confident with it...what more does a guy need.

If you cant say that about ANY gun you carry, then you need to keep searching.

Despite all the internet experts, there are legions of 1911 owners who carry them every day and are completely happy with them. I find it hard to believe that that would be the case if they were so unreliable.